Saturday, March 3, 2007

Keeping It In The Family.

Daddy! please don't touch my pooter like that!
This poor tyke is showing enormous fear and loathing of someone or something off camera; do any of our readers know what it may be?

Batshit Insane!!!

Hal has deleted the content from his site and replaced it with a "Call to Arms" for his 3 fans and million + sockpuppet army. Hal fully intends for this to be his Waterloo and is pulling out all the stops. Apparently the effect on his bottom line has been so harsh he MAY have to actually go get a job. Hal won't stand for that nonsense and plans to go down cigars blazing!

Read on!

Fans and supporters of The Hal Turner Show are invited to my home to join me in confronting these scum and putting them down!

The people organizing this "raid" are the same people who:A) Attacked my web site, knocking it off line for 10 straight weeks, AND;B) Stole my web site domain names and re-directed them to their own sites, AND;C) Made hundreds of telephone calls to my home and the homes of my relatives until we had to change the telephone numbers, AND;D) Placed fraudulent orders for tens of thousands of dollars in goods and services to be shipped to my house and billed to me, AND;E) Ordered hundreds of dollars of pizza and chinese food to be delivered to my house, AND;F) Claimed credit in an internet video for burning my mom's house down!G) Stole MY identity to create their own new web site under my name and address!
Their Web site is even instructing them about how to make Molotov Cocktails to fire bomb my house!
I am inviting my listeners, supporters and fans to come to my home to help confront these animals. I will provide food and drink to my supporters who attend. I will reimburse gasoline costs as best I can for those who travel great distances.They call themselves "cyber-warriors" and seem to want violence. I want them to get what they seek! Let them experience real-life "warfare."I hereby grant permission for you to bring rifles, shotguns, handguns and other weapons to my home. This issue is not going to be settled by the government or the courts; they have proved to be useless. This is going to be settled in the street. I'm ready. Let's roll!

One of his comments:

Mr. Turner, our services are available upon request. I can deploy six two man teams if need be. Logistics and planning are already complete from the earlier circumstance, the mission that you personally canceled, a while back. We are ready to deploy at your request. No less than three days notice, of course.
River 8

Hal Turner responds:I request your services. I guarantee there will be no cancellation by me this time.
Hal Turner
Edited By Siteowner

Daily STD report: 3

Friday, March 2, 2007

Hal VS The Intertubes: Day 1234591387456

It is looking more and more like an actual, legal protest is shaping up which means Hal is powerless to do anything about it.
We need to face a few stark realities here; if Hal locks himself away with Steve, Yankee Jim and all the rest of his posse, the only things that will happen are:

1. A pay per view gay porno bill in the 4 digit range.
2. All aboard the Mantrain!
3. Someones salad will get tossed, probably Hal's.
4. Von Bluvens will get a new high protein stain on his My Pretty Pony pajamas.
5. Hal will ask for more donations to cover the cost of all the condoms, cocaine, liquor, and cigars used.
6. And finally: They will have an epic Gravitation marathon and giggle through all the love scenes.

Daily STD Report: 2

Thursday, March 1, 2007

First post of March

9 STD's waiting for me tonight, they deleted nicely.

Hal is calling for his posse to protect him from anonymous since a IRL raid is in the works at the Fortess of Ignorance.
Hopefully the lulz from this will end Hal for good.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Last post of February!

Have a cool kitty!

Required Reading

Over at NO PICTURE AVAILABLE a fellow Hal Turner blogger you can find more articles and commentary by BFAnon. NO PICTURE AVAILABLE was actually blogging about Hal since quite early in these events and has a deep understanding of what Hal is all about:MONIEZ!!

Go give him a read also.

Trash Talking.

I only had to delete 2 messages from STD (Steve the deviant) today, hopefully a trend.

Words Fail Me!

I just listened to Hal Turner's triumphant broadcast return to the Intertubes : wipes tear: beautiful, simply awe inspiring that someone with such a profound level of mental retardation could provide such lulz.
I am waiting for a /b/rother to upload a streamrip and will then post a link for all to enjoy.

This is your brain on hate.

I really shouldn't have to comment on how totally deranged and trisomic Hal Turner comes off in his latest post, but I will for my WN followers.
The post, titled:
Is done in Hal's trademark ALL CAPS writing style to alert his fan-base and it's collective single brain cell that he
A. Wants more donations.
B. Just scored another K of coke with the last round of donations.
C. Wants Yankee Jim, Von Bluevein, and Steve Holsten to put on the brown shirts and Nazi armbands and come a runnin!
It gets better...
His buddies are now openly planning a "raid" on my house which they have tentatively scheduled for April 20, 21. Saying "it will NOT be peaceful."
Sigh, where to begin. Hal or one of his puppets, read a thread on the newest incarnation of 420Chan's /i/ board that had put forward the notion of an IRL raid on Hal Turner's Fortress of Ignorance in New Jersey. Believing in the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, and Santa Claus is one thing but believing that anonymous will raid IRL and do more than mumble "desu desu desu" for a few moments and then bail, is laughable.
Hal then goes in to painfully minute detail about how to smuggle weapons and ammo into the Peoples Republic of New Jersey for the purposes of defending Hal's life and property.
Read on...
In order to defend my house and family from this attack, I am once again inviting my listening audience to come to my home with rifles, shotguns and handguns to help defend my home from these manics.
Those of you within driving distance should contact me via e-mail for directions and important LEGAL INFORMATION about transporting firearms in the state of New Jersey.
New Jersey DOES NOT honor out of state concealed weapons permits! Anyone transporting any type of firearm into or through the state of New Jersey must obey ALL of the following legal requirements:
1) All guns must be unloaded AND
2) must be inside a locked box AND
3) must be separated from their ammunition AND
4) Must be in a part of the vehicle which is inaccessible to vehicle occupants!
5) Hollow-point ammunition is absolutely ILLEGAL. Even being in possession of it will land you in jail.
Once you arrive here, we will unload the weapons from your vehicle into my house and the weapons may then be loaded and carried openly on my private property.
Even the slightest deviation from the condditions above will result in your immediate arrest by police who are very unhappy about yet another protest slated for my house. As usual, kindly make certain you have a valid Driver License, valid Vehicle Registration, valid insuance card and current vehicle Inspection sticker. Make sure all your tail lights, headlights, turn signals, license plate lights and other vehicle equipment is in good working order. Make sure there are no Warrants for your arrest for anywhere for anything.
The people arranging this raid on my house are violent and dangerous. It is very possible we may have to use lethal force. If you are not mentally prepared for that possibility, do not come.
This is not a joke. Not some publicity stunt. It is as real as it gets.
Yes, I am amused by this, it lives up to the high standards for lulz I set for this blog.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pardon the flushing noises...

Steve had a total of 82 messages spammed and waiting for moderation when I decided enough was enough.
All 82 messages have been deleted, all his comments to the previous posts (except those quoted in posts) have also been deleted.
I am going to bed, I expect him to spam away until he dies of that curious wasting disease going around in certain circles.
There is always the excellent chance that he will get picked up in a Dateline NBC sting by Perverted Justice. Now wouldn't that be ironic?
More lulz ahead gang, Hal is just hitting his stride and I expect big, big, big things from our project in North Bergen N.J.
Until next time.

Oh good LORD!

Hal's ego, already the size of Jupiter has been doubled by the fact that he was mentioned by a mainstream blog, the Huffington Post. This is just what Hal wanted; recognition of him as a huge hunk of human filth. The post at Huffington's, by Robert J. Elisberg titled "When a Party's values go AWOL" essentially lists the GOP's normal attitude of race mongering and hate politics while trying to make the point that it (the GOP) has lost it's core values and been hijacked. Listed among such luminaries as Jerry Falwell and Ann Coulter, Hal finds himself among a who's who of the small minded in the right wing.

What sets the article apart is Hal's rebuttal in the comments section, yes folks that's right he replied to the post and pumped up the hate!!

Read on...
I am the "Hal Turner" mentioned in Elisberg's piece. Yes, I have begun publicly discussing the assassination of Senators and members of the U.S. House of Representatives in the event they betray this nation by granting Amnesty or some path to citizenship for Illegal Aliens. One of our Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton, wrote about how to deal with such betrayals in Federalist 29: "The people must rush tumultuously to arms. . . ."For the record, I quit the Republican Party in October of last year, before the election. I became fed up with what the GOP has become: Big spenders;Useful idiots for the Zionists in Israel and;a large group of degenerate homosexuals. The GOP as it exists now should be physically destroyed and folks like me are seriously considering doing just that - possibly using force and violence to achieve it.America is in such a terrible mess that only some serious butt-kicking is going to fix it. Talk has become useless. Those of you reading this can either help, get out of the way or get taken out when we start making the necessary physical corrections. There are no other choices.The fact that I speak this way publicly has now gotten me on "lists" with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, The U.S. Secret Service, The U.S. Marshal Service and a host of other agencies - all of whom have been told I mean to make good on what I say. Hal TurnerHostThe Hal Turner
By: HalTurner on February 27, 2007 at 04:19pm
This reply to his comment was delicious.

RE: Hal TurnerOh. My. God.Are you just a sorry excuse for a frustrated comedian - or are you deliberately trying to poison any chance for a rational political dialogue with your right-wing racist xenophobic threats?Because if you're the latter, then I'm very sorry to have to tell you that you've left me "no other choices" than to "start making the necessary physical corrections" on your homophobic ass should you ever have the misfortune to get in my way, or in the ways of any of my family or friends, with your dangerously unbalanced bullshit.You are one pathetic excuse for an American, and no small part of the reason why the United States is currently held in such low regard by the rest of the world.
By: Donald on February 27, 2007 at 05:43pm

Looks like Hal has managed to make his point: that he is a total fucktard and should be avoided in public just in case his disease is contagious.

At this point all I can add is that I hope that the HP allows him to continue to make an ass of himself; he does our work for us, and usually better than we would have.

Final hours Steve

Midnight PST I K-line you, delete all your comments and laugh my ass off when you snivel and whine later.

No turning back Steve, either act like a White man should or go away and play with your new buddies in the NAACP.

The choice is yours; the laughs are ours.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Poor Steve is ButtHurt!!

Since moderation went into effect today he has left 17+ comments so far. He seems quite disgruntled that he can't come out of the closet here like he planned. He also can't express his degenerate love for Hal man to man anymore and he is getting desperate. It seems that I have taken away one of his favorite sports, trolling the net and talking about penis.
His pathetic rants just show how useless and frightened he truly is once made powerless to spread his message of hate.

Here's the deal Steve; read it and understand.

Create your own blog here at blogger; you're halfway there since you created a blogger account to spam and troll with.
Set it for open and unmoderated comments and make some posts that we can comment to.
This seem fair to you O "Greatest Hero"? After all you come to our blogs and post garbage all the time.
In exchange I return comments to open and unmoderated and even post the ones you have sent for moderation that are waiting now.
You need to start behaving like an adult if you want to be treated like one Steve; start by accepting the deal and not breaking it like you often accuse Jews of doing.
In exchange you get your toy back.
Otherwise we take it away and you never see it again.
I am giving you till Tuesday at midnight to follow through on this. Or I start deleting stuff.
Clock is ticking Steve, are you man enough?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Real Hatred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like a trainwreck involving a circus train and a train loaded with manure, Hal's most recent post on his site
is both amusing and smells of extreme BS at the same time. I have to take note that Hal has posted the IP addresses of anyone who made remarks he didn't agree with and may have finally crossed the line from annoyance to criminal. Needless to say, anonymous is aware and is making preparations to butthurt Hal badly.

In the meantime folks I heartily recommend avoiding his site unless you use proxies as he is banning and posting IP's of random site visitors simply because he has become so delusional and deranged that he no longer cares who he pisses off.

No Moar Trollz!!

I have enabled comment moderation in a bid to increase the intelligence of the level of discourse here. Hint: one troll in particular with a one word vocabulary has ruined it for all. So, until the flipper handed, inbred, hillbilly throwback has his own blog we can freely post on it is moderated here.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.
Steve Holsten loves penis of small boys.