Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oh good LORD!

Hal's ego, already the size of Jupiter has been doubled by the fact that he was mentioned by a mainstream blog, the Huffington Post. This is just what Hal wanted; recognition of him as a huge hunk of human filth. The post at Huffington's, by Robert J. Elisberg titled "When a Party's values go AWOL" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-j-elisberg/when-a-partys-values-go-_b_42215.html essentially lists the GOP's normal attitude of race mongering and hate politics while trying to make the point that it (the GOP) has lost it's core values and been hijacked. Listed among such luminaries as Jerry Falwell and Ann Coulter, Hal finds himself among a who's who of the small minded in the right wing.

What sets the article apart is Hal's rebuttal in the comments section, yes folks that's right he replied to the post and pumped up the hate!!

Read on...
I am the "Hal Turner" mentioned in Elisberg's piece. Yes, I have begun publicly discussing the assassination of Senators and members of the U.S. House of Representatives in the event they betray this nation by granting Amnesty or some path to citizenship for Illegal Aliens. One of our Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton, wrote about how to deal with such betrayals in Federalist 29: "The people must rush tumultuously to arms. . . ."For the record, I quit the Republican Party in October of last year, before the election. I became fed up with what the GOP has become: Big spenders;Useful idiots for the Zionists in Israel and;a large group of degenerate homosexuals. The GOP as it exists now should be physically destroyed and folks like me are seriously considering doing just that - possibly using force and violence to achieve it.America is in such a terrible mess that only some serious butt-kicking is going to fix it. Talk has become useless. Those of you reading this can either help, get out of the way or get taken out when we start making the necessary physical corrections. There are no other choices.The fact that I speak this way publicly has now gotten me on "lists" with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, The U.S. Secret Service, The U.S. Marshal Service and a host of other agencies - all of whom have been told I mean to make good on what I say. Hal TurnerHostThe Hal Turner Showwww.HalTurnerShow.com
By: HalTurner on February 27, 2007 at 04:19pm
This reply to his comment was delicious.

RE: Hal TurnerOh. My. God.Are you just a sorry excuse for a frustrated comedian - or are you deliberately trying to poison any chance for a rational political dialogue with your right-wing racist xenophobic threats?Because if you're the latter, then I'm very sorry to have to tell you that you've left me "no other choices" than to "start making the necessary physical corrections" on your homophobic ass should you ever have the misfortune to get in my way, or in the ways of any of my family or friends, with your dangerously unbalanced bullshit.You are one pathetic excuse for an American, and no small part of the reason why the United States is currently held in such low regard by the rest of the world.
By: Donald on February 27, 2007 at 05:43pm

Looks like Hal has managed to make his point: that he is a total fucktard and should be avoided in public just in case his disease is contagious.

At this point all I can add is that I hope that the HP allows him to continue to make an ass of himself; he does our work for us, and usually better than we would have.

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