Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This is your brain on hate.

I really shouldn't have to comment on how totally deranged and trisomic Hal Turner comes off in his latest post, but I will for my WN followers.
The post, titled:
Is done in Hal's trademark ALL CAPS writing style to alert his fan-base and it's collective single brain cell that he
A. Wants more donations.
B. Just scored another K of coke with the last round of donations.
C. Wants Yankee Jim, Von Bluevein, and Steve Holsten to put on the brown shirts and Nazi armbands and come a runnin!
It gets better...
His buddies are now openly planning a "raid" on my house which they have tentatively scheduled for April 20, 21. Saying "it will NOT be peaceful."
Sigh, where to begin. Hal or one of his puppets, read a thread on the newest incarnation of 420Chan's /i/ board that had put forward the notion of an IRL raid on Hal Turner's Fortress of Ignorance in New Jersey. Believing in the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, and Santa Claus is one thing but believing that anonymous will raid IRL and do more than mumble "desu desu desu" for a few moments and then bail, is laughable.
Hal then goes in to painfully minute detail about how to smuggle weapons and ammo into the Peoples Republic of New Jersey for the purposes of defending Hal's life and property.
Read on...
In order to defend my house and family from this attack, I am once again inviting my listening audience to come to my home with rifles, shotguns and handguns to help defend my home from these manics.
Those of you within driving distance should contact me via e-mail for directions and important LEGAL INFORMATION about transporting firearms in the state of New Jersey.
New Jersey DOES NOT honor out of state concealed weapons permits! Anyone transporting any type of firearm into or through the state of New Jersey must obey ALL of the following legal requirements:
1) All guns must be unloaded AND
2) must be inside a locked box AND
3) must be separated from their ammunition AND
4) Must be in a part of the vehicle which is inaccessible to vehicle occupants!
5) Hollow-point ammunition is absolutely ILLEGAL. Even being in possession of it will land you in jail.
Once you arrive here, we will unload the weapons from your vehicle into my house and the weapons may then be loaded and carried openly on my private property.
Even the slightest deviation from the condditions above will result in your immediate arrest by police who are very unhappy about yet another protest slated for my house. As usual, kindly make certain you have a valid Driver License, valid Vehicle Registration, valid insuance card and current vehicle Inspection sticker. Make sure all your tail lights, headlights, turn signals, license plate lights and other vehicle equipment is in good working order. Make sure there are no Warrants for your arrest for anywhere for anything.
The people arranging this raid on my house are violent and dangerous. It is very possible we may have to use lethal force. If you are not mentally prepared for that possibility, do not come.
This is not a joke. Not some publicity stunt. It is as real as it gets.
Yes, I am amused by this, it lives up to the high standards for lulz I set for this blog.

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