Monday, March 5, 2007

Just So We're Clear... Hal Speaks Out ! !

Just so we're clear about the pending "raid" protest in front of my house:
No matter how many people show up to protest, they won't achieve anything!
This site remains online and my radio show remains on the air
There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.I don't care what the protesters think or want; they don't matter.I don't care what the media publishes; they have no power to do anything.I don't care what politicians think or want; they are Constitutionally prohibited form abridging my free speech.Whether fans and supporters come - as I hope they will - or don't come, really makes no difference. I will be here, doing what I normally do, totally unaffected by whatever goes on outside.I will not shut down this web site and I will not stop airing the radio show. There is nothing anyone can do about it.So go ahead and spend you money to come protest me. It won't achieve anything. No matter what, I win.

Doesn't this remind you of a butthurt 5 year old running away crying "it don't hurt; I'm telling my mama on you" as he runs from the 4 year old girl who pushed him? We all know Hal has serious issues he should be dealing with in therapy such as his fascination with the sexual organs of sheep and goats, but his denial of the reality in this case makes the strongest case for true insanity.

Anonymous is about to rain on his parade.

Even if he gets the half dozen or so supporters show up they will be far too overweight and old to put up much struggle against young, fit anonymii. The stereotype of us dwelling in our parents basement is hogwash and he better wake up quickly to this fact.

There are anonymous policemans, firemans, fishermans, and many others who are physically fit and experienced in real world stompings. We are also smarter than the average WN we have seen voice support online; they are easily the dumbest noobs on the Interbutts.

Watch for more details as the date for the protest gets closer.

STD Count: 19 today; the troll tired himself out early though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may want to note that someone named HAL CHURNER 420LAWL discovered Hal's new phone number.