Sunday, March 4, 2007

Clear and Present Lulz!

A new comment on Hals Haloscam for the raid post; made by "Hal Fan"

Let me see if I have this right:These people from the "chan" sites who are setting up a protest at your house, attacked your web site knocking it off line for weeks, attacked your internet broadcast, knocking it off for weeks; placed hundreds of crank phone calls to your house for weeks; Fraudulently ordered products to be shipped and billed to you; stole your web site domains and then stole your identity to register their own domain and now they're coming to your house. . . . for what? To do more crime?These people are criminals. Their previous crimes prove they are willing to break the law with impunity.Hal, their presence at your house - in and of itself - represents a clear and present danger. You have an absolute right to use force against them as soon as you even see them!

Hal's reply:

---------------- Hal Turner Responds:That is exactly how I see it: a clear and present danger to me, my family and our home by persons who have already committed felonies against me.I agree with your assessment that their presence represents an imminent threat and as such, I have the right to use force as soon as I see them. -- Hal TurnerEdited By SiteownerHal Fan 03.05.07 - 12:12 am

Hal just lives to prove he is dumber than the rest of us.

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