Friday, February 23, 2007

Have a nice weekend!

Finally Friday night so I can enjoy some peace and quiet. Found this short clip of a Steve Holsten home video, enjoy!


Steve Holsten said...
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Anonymous said...

Mr Holsten, you are an utter retard. Your faggotry reeks so bad I can smell it from half way across the planet.

Do yourself and us a favour and rid this world of your presence, in the most convenient way possible. That is all.

Steve Holsten said...
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Anonymous said...

For someone who proclaims not to be a faggot, you sure have a fascination with all things penis.

The claims of intelligence strike me as quite far from the truth. Tell me, can you reply without once using the word nigger? Or any other form of insult or cuss? If you can do that, then maybe I'll believe you. If not...

A Nony Mous said...

Don't hold your breath anonymous, I have scoured the Intertubes looking for examples where Steve hasn't used "dick" or "nigger" in a post and found quite few.

Steve Holsten said...
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